Samaroo’s is a name that is known across numerous destinations. Trinidad and Tobago has an international reputation for having very creative and innovative individuals. One such example is the creation of the Steel Pan, which is widely regarded as the only major musical instrument to be invented in the 20th century.

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Another incredible invention was Inflatable Men. The orig­i­nal de­sign con­cept, was in­vent­ed by our very own artist/mas­man Pe­ter Min­shall, at the 1996 At­lanta Olympic Games. These are in­flat­ed air pup­pets, that are pro­pelled by jets of air. They can often be seen danc­ing in front of shops, and are often quite effective in getting the attention of passers-by.

Thus as persons across different nations introduce and strive to improve their own carnival celebrations, they would often look at the trends and innovations emanating out of Trinidad and Tobago, especially since carnival here is earlier in the year than other carnivals in different territories.

Hence as trends are followed, this would invariably lead back to the source of these materials, which would then lead designers and creators to Samaroo’s.

Today, our company has customers as far north as Canada, and as far south as South Africa. Needless to say, most, if not all the Caribbean islands make purchases regularly from us, along with designers from different states in the U.S. When you decide to make your purchases from Samaroo’s you will benefit from our expertise and extensive experience. Therefore you will be able to obtain the right materials so that design that was conceived can be faithfully materialized.